How Can God Ever Come to Us?
In the Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament for Christians, the separation of God and man was so great that the people were instructed to make...

Temptation and Your New Year's Resolution
Do you commit yourself to making a New Year's Resolution each year? Or maybe you are like my wife, and would set goals for yourself on...

A Voice After 400 Years of Silence
In Sunday School, we have officially wrapped up our time in the first half of Genesis and will move back over to the New Testament for...

Firstborn Son of God in Genesis 1:1?
"In the beginning, the firstborn son of God created the heavens and the earth..." Genesis 1:1 from Targum Neofiti (a pre-Christian...

There is a Fountain (Zechariah 13)
"There is a fountain filled with blood..." Have you ever heard this hymn and while you were singing along thought to yourself, what...