Salvation Once and For All?
Last fall, our church worked through the book of Hebrews in Sunday School. In addition, we recently have been working through John 3 and...

Kingdom Hospitality: How the King's People Welcome Others
EQUiP - Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down - Session 3 Kingdom Hospitality: 
How The King’s People Welcome Others Opening your...

Same-Sex Marriage from a Christian Perspective
This morning, the Supreme Court began hearing three cases that may drastically modify the definition of the term "marriage" in the United...
EQUiP - Session 3 Preview
Tonight is our third session of the new EQUiP series studying Tony Merida's new book "Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down." Here...

Pray for Vietnam this May #SC15
Friday night Old Fort Baptist Church was able to participate in its first Secret Church, hosted by the President of the International...

Neighbor Love: How Justified Sinners Show Compassion in Word and Deed
EQUiP - Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down - Session 2 Neighbor Love: 
How Justified Sinners Show Compassion In Word And Deed...
EQUiP - Ordinary Session 2 Preview
Tonight is our second session of the new EQUiP series studying Tony Merida's new book "Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down." ...

#SC15 The Gospel and Ethnicity
Got a package in the mail today at the office. Excited to take a look at this study called "Red Revolution" by Adam Thomason. Adam is a...

Jesus the Christ: Fully God & Fully Man
Sunday, Pastor Eric preached on John 1:1-18. In his message, he emphasized the idea that Jesus was both fully God, and fully man. To a...

Everyday Justice: Trading Sensationalism for Everyday Justice
For the next six weeks, I will have guest blog posts featuring Tony Merida from Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC. He released a new book...