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Same-Sex Marriage from a Christian Perspective

This morning, the Supreme Court began hearing three cases that may drastically modify the definition of the term "marriage" in the United States. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases of Obergefell v Hodges, which is consolidated with three other cases (Tanco v Haslam - TN; DeBoer v Snyder - MI; Bouke v Beshear KY). The challenge is concerning the Fourteenth Amendment and is arguing that it guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry.

Many Christians are feeling uneasy about this type of decision, and it is important to understand why. An attempt at redefining terms drastically alters our portrayal of the gospel, as Christians must profess that marriage was created by God and has a specific purpose.

Here are some great articles that help understand the Supreme Court listening to same-sex marriage cases from a Christian perspective:

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"Our nation may be facing the Roe v. Wade of marriage...The question that confronts us now is whether evangelical churches will fully embrace the sanctity of biblical marriage and rally together to pray for its protection. [Read more]

This article addresses the 14th Amendment and "fundamental rights" [Read more]

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What is marriage? Is it this understanding of a man and a woman - in conjugal union - whose one-flesh-togetherness normally produces offspring which they raise together? Or is it oriented to the wellbeing of adults and their relationships, which they want to make special and significant? [Read more]

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Christian, if you are looking to better understand statistics and history of same-sex marriage, this is a great resource. [Read more]

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This afternoon the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear an appeal in a same-sex marriage case out of the Sixth Circuit...with all likelihood...destined to answer...whether there's a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. [Read more]

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For Christians, this is an era of historical significance - and not just because of the marriage issue. While defending the institution of marriage is an important and worthy goal, the same-sex marriage debate has uncovered a question that is similar to Justice Scalia's: When did it become acceptable for Christians to embrace and endorse homosexual behavior?

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