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Church Planting Vision Trip: Phoenix

Tomorrow morning I will fly to Phoenix for several days. Pastor Eric, Patti, and I will be making a vision trip to Phoenix as a potential destination to partner in church planting. Any of you reading this that is aware of my ministry experience are familiar with my passion and excitement for churches to be planted across the world. I attended a missional church prior to attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary that is heralded as the "Great Commission Seminary," and have participated in three church plants prior to joining Old Fort Baptist Church as Discipleship Pastor - Essentials Church, Restoration Church, and Imago Dei Church.

In fact, Old Fort Baptist Church's vision and desire to be a sending church was part of the initial appeal to return to Old Fort Baptist Church several years ago.

​We ask that you pray for us during our journey to Phoenix. We ask that you pray for God to reveal how Old Fort Baptist Church can best join the work that God is doing in the city of Phoenix.

Pray that our time be productive and the vision be clear. Pray for our church members as they begin feeling the call to participate as a part of the team from our church that will be moving from Summerville, SC to Phoenix, AZ to reveal the glory of God to people that have not heard. Our desire is simple: become aware of what God is doing in the culture and join Him in His work.

As Ed Stetzer mentions in his book "Planting Missional Churches," "To be a disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of his body is to live a missionary experience in the world" (Stetzer, 2006, p. 28).

Posted below is an overview of Phoenix from Read over these stats and join us in prayer over the next several days.

"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:18-20

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