Visit to Wake Forest (with Photos)
A Week in Wake Forest, NC at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

This week I am in Wake Forest attending a seminar for the EdD program. I had the opportunity to live here from 2009 to 2013 and always enjoy having the opportunity to return for a visit. It is such a beautiful place!

It is refreshing to return to a place so beautiful with such great memories, but am definitely seeing signs that times are a changin.

Construction on the corner of Capital Blvd & Stadium Dr. - Photo 1

Construction on the corner of Capital Blvd & Stadium Dr. - Photo 2

Construction on the corner of Capital Blvd & Stadium Dr. - a Michaels

Construction on the corner of Capital Blvd & Stadium Dr. - a Ross
It is very comforting to have many familiar sites, such as a beautiful campus and town, and a few friends from my cohort in this seminar...but it is also exciting to see the changes going on in Wake Forest and having the opportunity to meet new friends in this course.

Grateful for a school committed to training men and women to carry the Gospel message to all the world!

I'm having a great time, but I do miss my family dearly. Fortunately, Mary and the boys are only a click away!!

FaceTime chat with AJ while he was sitting next to his little brother. Sorry for the blurry image!